Sunday, August 12, 2012


The 3-Man Weave is a drill that has been a part of basketball practices for many years.  Even though this drill may be considered "old" it still serves a great purpose.  It can be used to get your team loosened up, to work on passing, catching, layups, and also for conditioning purposes.

Would you like to get a little more out of this drill with your team?  To do that coaches can add more focus in their players by making it more challenging.  Two ways to do this are:

1. Set perfection as your expectation.  Players will execute the drill like always except now the players have a goal of
               *Catching each pass clean (no bobbles)
               *The ball never hits the floor
               *No travels
               *Make each layup
Coach can set a realistic goal as to how many consecutive layups your team has to make while being perfect.  If there is a bobble, a travel, a missed layup, or the ball hits the floor you start back at zero.  You know your team best so that number may vary from year to year.  A general number of 12 in a row can be used, and based on your team's ability you can adjust from there.

2. Put a time limit on your 3-Man Weave and set a goal for the total number of made layups your team must have before time runs out. 

It's all about expectations with your players.  This traditional drill can have great value to your team instead of being a practice time filler to get your players loose.  Setting the expectations adds a focus to your team and makes them accountable for what happens on the floor...which is what we always want our players to be.

1 comment:

  1. Nice idea to a basic drill. Will add with my team.


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